SIELE exam - training Malaga, Costa del Sol

Siele exam Malaga Costa del Sol

The International Spanish Language Evaluation Service (SIELE) is the newest exam promoted by Instituto Cervantes and the Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) to accredit your level of Spanish.

Since 2016, this exam is accepted by many international institutions for working and educational purposes.We can certainly offer a SIELE lessons on the Costa del Sol, Málaga to prepare you for this exam.

The SIELE is a language exam that certifies your language competence in Spanish, and it works following the point scale of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR): A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1.

The SIELE exam offers the following features:

  • More frequent exam dates available for all levels (almost every month)
  • Digital format (DELE is only paper based) and it can be taken remotely
  • Flexible scheme (each candidate needs to choose between a complete exam or individual areas (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking).
  • Integration of Spanish Variants (Spanish from Spain and Latin American Spanish)

  • Results available in less than 3 weeks (vs. DELE, 2 months)
  • Validity: 5 years (DELE exam is a for life accreditation)
  • A more accurate exam to score your level for every single skill.

What´s the different between DELE and SIELE?

Of course, DELE is the oldest and more recognized diploma to accredit your level of Spanish, however if you have completed DELE in some point of your language education, you will probably need to take SIELE, just to proof that you´re level of Spanish is at least the same as when you passed DELE.

SIELE is a quicker exam and not as demanding as DELE in terms of preparation, since SIELE always will validate your current level of Spanish.